You should also check that your internet plan is active and that you haven't run out of data. If that doesn't help, enable Airplane mode and change back to regular mode. Your app interface will open automatically. Use your phone to scan the QR code that appears on the app. Go to Go to WhatsApp Web in the settings menu of WhatsApp on your phone. Instead, follow these steps: Open WhatsApp on your phone. Try turning off cellular (or mobile) data and then switching it back on again. To open the app, you do not need to download any software. If the connectivity issue persists when the router comes back on, refer to our guide detailing how to fix slow Wi-Fi connections. Start by switching your Wi-Fi router off and then back on. If other applications are also experiencing similar connectivity issues, check that you're connected to the internet. You can also try visiting a webpage on your preferred browser. Try using other apps on your phone and check if they can access the internet. This could be the reason why your WhatsApp images are not downloading. When you're having difficulties using an app that requires an internet connection, you should check that your Wi-Fi or cellular data connection is working correctly.